The hardest part has been to send the pictures to be developed. Mostly because I have been having issues with the W@!M@*% website. I have completed the first 2 weeks in January. The 3rd is mostly completed, and the 4th I hope to upload to be developed today. It shouldn't take me to long to catch up. Once I have the pics it usually take about 45 minutes to an hour to complete.
1. Lazy Day. Drank hot chocolate in our PJ's.
2. Dean used spray paint to make a crease and a centre line. He also made a "K" for Kolench and embedded a loonie in the ice.
3. Went to A___'s to celebrate M_____'s 8th and J___'s 3? (she wouldn't like me posting her age :) ) birthday.
4. Had our famous spaghetti for supper.
5. Back to school for Jacob.
6. Made Pinkalious cake in Lilly's EZ Bake oven.
7. Lilly saw this picture and pointed to my mum and asked, "Whose that?" I said "Nana, my mummy." L: "Where is she?" K: "In heaven." I had to explain it several times. She had many questions. I tried my best to answer. Not sure she got it. I know the subject will come up again.
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8. Lilly made a time capsule at school. We will open it Jan. 1, 2010. Her resolution for the year is: "To clean Mummy's bedroom". I'll believe it when I see it!
9. Went to a crop with J___. Worked on H_____'s book. (which I have since completed!)
10. Fondue at Dean's parents.
11. AFV: We don't often watch tv, but on Sunday's we all watch America's Funniest Home Videos. So funny!
12. Dean left for Saskatchewan.
13. Busy.
14. Started to organize kitchen cupboard.
All products Close to my Heart.