Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Top 25 Stamp Sets
No particular order:
1. D1322 Adorning Corners
2. D1212 Playful Flourishes
3. D1183 Adorable
4. E1009 Building Block Alpha
5. D1280 Spot On Backgrounds
6. C1281 Card Commentary
7. E1010 and D1296 Chocolate Alpha Large and Small
8. C1234 Simple Stitches
9. D1201 Frame of Mind ( I cut mine with scissors so I can use the frame without the lines.
2 stamps for the price of 1!)
10. D1242 Doodle Alpha (More for the birds and swirls)
11. D1200 Adorable Backgrounds
12. C1288 Playful Petals
13. C1301 Thing of Beauty
14. D1264 Angel Whispers
15. D1217 Free Spirit
16. D1171 New Fallen Snow ( I know, this is a "holiday" set but I use it for lace and flowers
all the time.)
17. D1182 It's a Party (Again cut up so each ring can be a different color or used individually.)
18. D1320 Shining Star (Holiday, but can be used for so much more.)
19. The Alpha Solos and Numbers Series (These are made to mix and match so they could be
counted as one GIANT stamp set.)
20.D1191 Friendship Blessings
21. D1303 Classmate Alpha (An alpha AND so many sayings!)
22. B1269 Journaling Jots (So handy for journaling!)
23. C1191 Calender (Use this to date almost all my layouts.)
24. E1002 and D1267 Rustic Alpha and Numbers
25. B1315 Code It
Ok, I sneaked in a few extra, but whose counting!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Bad Blogger!
Tell me what YOU want.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Cleaning and Organizing Your Stamps
Seasoning stamps:
Did you know all stamps, acrylic or rubber, need to be seasoned before you use them? What's seasoning you ask? All stamps come with a manufacturing film. It needs to be removed so ink can soak into the stamp, creating a more even image. This is particularly true of solid stamps. Those suckers need more seasoning then the others.
I will tell you 3 ways to season. Start with the first and work your way down until you get the result you want.
Technique 1: Repeatedly ink up stamp (usually with neutral colored ink) onto scrap paper. Be sure to have the foamy piece that comes with your stamp set under the scrap paper. More on that foamy piece later.
Technique 2: (My favorite) Wet the fuzzier side of your Double Scrubber and scrub, scrub, SCRUB. Ever once and a while test it with the method above to see if you need to scrub more.
Technique 3: I only use this method for those stubborn spots that just are not working the other two ways. Caution! This makes a mess of your work space. Using a good quality white eraser (pink for rubber) rub those stubborn spots away. And then you guessed it, scrub, scrub some more with the Double Scrubber. I suggest cleaning out your scrubber after the eraser method. How do you clean out your scrubber? Glad you asked. I remove the fuzzy side and put it all in the dishwasher! How easy is that!
Cleaning Stamps
Dye ink: Most of Close To My Heart's ink is dye (meaning water based). What's great about this is, they dry quickly when stamped and are easy to clean. I use plain old tap water in a hairspray sample bottle I found in the travel minis section of most stores. I cleaned it out VERY well and spray that on my Double Scrubber. Before I got my scrubber, I used a wet chamois (because it is lint free) on an old plate.
Pigment Ink and Embossing Ink: Close To My Heart has 3 stamp pads available in pigment ink~White Daisy, Colonial White, and Vanilla Cream. What's great about pigment ink is it is wetter than dye ink so it holds embossing powder and light colors show up on dark cardstock~even black! The problem with pigment ink is it likes to stain your stamps opaque. I do not suggest using dark pigment inks with clear stamps. I have seen some stained so badly they weren't clear anymore! (Dye inks will sometimes discolor your stamps but are still see through) I DO NOT use my Double Scrubber for pigment ink! Instead I use an old toothbrush under warm running water. I place a cloth over the drain or for really small stamps a strainer. After using the toothbrush, I spray with our Spritz cleaner and than Double Scrub. I use the same method with embossing ink. It likes to get everything sticky.
Staz-On: Staz-On has it's own cleaner that is a must if you use it. DO NOT get Staz-On cleaner on your block. Over time it will get a haze or small hairline cracks in it, making it harder to see through the block. Instead remove the stamp from the block and clean that way OR I have an old block that I use for Staz-On. That way I'm not upset if it cracks or gets any ink on it. Staz-On stays on blocks too!
Blocks, Carrier Sheets, and Occasionally Stamp Cleaning:
Once and awhile your supplies need a little more TLC. If your stamps won't stick to the carrier sheet or blocks, do this: Get out that strainer again and give everything a nice wash in warm water, NO soap. Let them dry on the counter and then return to carrier sheet when dry. They will be sticky once again.
Random Fact: Your images will come out crisper and cleaner if you put the foamy sheet under your work.
Organizing Your Stamps:One of the great thing about Acrylic stamps is they don't take up a lot less space. Above is our stamp organizer. They can be stacked and now come with a handle.
Did you know that the paper inserts that come with your stamps are color coded? This is how I organize my stamps. By color first, then letter (A,B,C,D, or E. This indicates size), then number. I also cut up a picture from an extra catalog and slip it in the front so I can see what's in it from both sides. You don't have to be this organized, I'm just a little anal about some things. Now I will tell you what the colors mean.
Spring~Lt. Yellow
Summer~Sunflower (orangey-yellow)
Fall~Garden Green (med. green)
Winter~Desert Sand
Alphas~Indian Corn Blue
Sentiments~Baby Pink
Borders, Tags, and Accents~Lilac Mist (lt. purpley blue)
Everyday Life~New England Ivy (dk. green)
Animals, Outdoors, and Travel~Heavenly Blue (lt. blue)
I hope this answers most of your questions as these are the ones I get asked most often. I would love to hear your suggestions on what you want from this blog. Not sure what my next post will be about but please come back!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sunset Silhouette Card Tutorial
I will be placing an order on Sept. 24.
Next post will be how to care, clean, and store your stamps.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Clear Acrylic Mini Album Tips
With all my pages, I used a single sheet of paper. Our new paper packs now come with double sided patterned paper! This one is Notebook. I LOOOVE it! It's hard to see but on the second side the photo and rubons are floating above the paper that was glued to the front. Rubons work fantastic on this album. Close To My Heart has to sets with 3 sheets each. One each in White, Chocolate, and Black.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
June SOTM Artwork
Here is some June Stamp of the Month Artwork courtesy of my friend and downline, Beryl Vincent.
Paper used in all projects is Sarsparilla. "Family" was made by stamping Boutique letters on to backside of paper and cut out. For letters like "L" which only go one way use the back of the stamp. All other stamps are from With Love (June 08 SOTM)
"Happy Everything" stamped with our White Daisy Pigment ink. Chenille Sassy Strands for tassel.
Friday, June 6, 2008
June Sales

That's right! It's Stampagnza Time. What does that mean? FREE Stamps for you! For every 2 stamp sets you buy, you get one FREE!
June's stamp of the month is called "With Love." This is a very versatile stamp set. Use some of the swirls and groups of small flowers to create an underwater image at the bottom of the sea floor. Use a vase and the shape at the bottom left flipped upside down to create a unique lamp for "You are the light of my life." Stamp a flower and the vase, then use our new ricrac to add a great dimensional stem. Flip upside down the middle cluster of small flowers to create fireworks. Turn the open leaf upside down and it can become the flame on a birthday candle. The possibilities seem endless.
Remember you can only order this Stamp Set until June 30, 2008. You can even earn it FREE or at a discount.
I will try and post more artwork soon. First, I need to get my own set!
I am working on making my own blog banner. Come back soon to see what it looks like. And please leave comments!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tell me what you what from this.